I am a force to be reckoned with!
Yesterday I completed all that I outlined in my blog and I lived through it!
Better yet, I am really not that sore today.
Even better yet, just between Zumba, CXWorx and my personal training session, I burned a total of 1625 calories!
Eric (my personal trainer) worked me very hard and didn't let up even though I had worked out for 1.5 hrs already. AND he didn't let up on my legs or abs even though I did P90X earlier that day. I like that!
He gave me some great exercises and showed me a full body workout that I could do in 30 minutes. The key to losing the stomach he told me was to do the moves fast but make sure you keep your form. I also learned how to use some new equipment that I haven't used before- kettlebells, the bar for doing push-ups, and the stability ball for planks. He also said that he was impressed with me to which I responded "you say that to everyone". And he responded "I don't say that to everyone". Then he added more weight to my leg press...LOL. 50 more lbs of weight. In total, I did 185lb leg presses. He also told me that he thinks I am very strong already, we just need to get the extra fat and skin off!
We talked afterwards about him being my personal trainer. While I would LOVE it, I really can't afford it right now. I think Eric would be great at helping my shed the extra skin that I have. He himself has been there and done that.
He did mention to me that they are going to be adding more Les Mills RPM classes in February and that he will be teaching them. He is trying to get Powerhouse to add evening classes and one on Saturday. Right now, Powerhouse only offers one RPM class and it is at 6:30 in the morning. That is just not possible for me with having the kids. They are still asleep at that hour. Eric told me RPM will definitely help to tone my stomach. I am in! Sign me up! And as a bonus, it's kinda like having him as a personal trainer for an hour, but for free! Hopefully Powerhouse will rework the schedule so that I can be there for those classes. So come February, my weekly workout schedule will be changing.
A couple days ago my tip of the day was about having small goals and then rewarding yourself as you hit them. After pondering the personal training session all night long, I decided that I would set a goal for myself.
If I complete the P90X program (which puts me at the beginning of April), I will go ahead and buy (12) 30 minute personal training sessions for myself with Eric. If I meet with him 2 times a week, that will get me to the middle of May- just a couple weeks shy of my personal deadline to see how fit I can get by June. One of the nice things is that Powerhouse sometimes offers 10% off on personal training sessions so I will be watching out for those as the months progress.
So if anyone wants to contribute to my Personal Trainer fund, let me know. HA! Knowing that I have 3 months also lets me save up some money- hopefully the mom to mom sale that I am going to in a couple weeks is successful!
Today I completed P90X Kenpo. It is like martial arts and kickboxing. I loved it. Some of the moves were a bit complicated and I needed to watch them for a couple times before understanding how to do it, but I got a good burn and sweat on. For the hour, I burned 499 calories. This includes a little bit of ab exercises I completed on my own after I was done with the dvd. I tried to do Kenpo probably close to a year ago and the dvd I borrowed kept freezing in the machine which frustrated me. I ended up quitting. Not so this time. The time FLYS by during this workout. It is one of the most enjoyable ones in the P90X series.
Tip of the day time! This comes once again out of the Weight Watchers Magazine.
Variety Show!
If you always Eat:
Grapefruit, give Ugli Fruit a try- Looks aren't everything. This citrus hybrid may have a bumpy exterior, but inside it is sweet and juicy. Peel and eat like an orange. Find it in the produce section of your supermarket thru spring. Points Plus value: 0
Canned Tuna, give Canned Salmon a try- Like its convenient packed in water cousin, this
fish is high in protein and healthy omega-3s. Use it as you would tuna- straight from the can tossed with crunch salad greens or mixed with low fat mayo and tucked in a whole grain pita. Per serving 1/2 cup Points Plus Value: 4
Low-fat Plain greek yogurt, give Lebni a try- Also known as Greek sour cream, its consistency is thinner than most yogurts. Use a dollop to add creaminess to your soups, or drizzle it to cool off a three alarm dish like chili. You can buy Lebni at most high end grocers or specialty markets. Per serving: 2 TBSP Points Plus Value: 2
Couscous, give Farro a try- When its could outside, this hearty grain satisfies with a robust nutty flavor. It is also a good source of fiber and protein. Add cooked farro to vegetable soup 10 minutes before serving or top it with roasted root veggies. Per serving: 1/2 cup
Points Plus Value: 3
Broccoli, give Broccolini a try- A more tender, scaled down version of broccoli, these slender stalks are a great side dish when steamed and served with a squeeze of fresh lemon, or sauteed with a touch of olive oil and garlic. Per serving: 1/2 cup Points Plus Value: 0
This is great! I love the idea of continuing with a trainer once you're done with P90x