What did I do? Went to the gym. And it turned out to be WAY more extreme than what I originally thought.
Powerhouse Gym in Ypsilanti had their kick off for all the new Les Mills routines. Les Mills switches it all up every three months in order to have body confusion and plus to prevent boredom (I think).
Originally I signed up for CXWorx, Body Flow then RPM was added when I was on the overflow list and they opened another class. I ended up also taking Zumba. It was only a 45 minute class instead of a full hour and because the Zumba tracks were even new, the calorie burn wasn't quite as high trying to learn the new steps- but more about that below.
When I got to the gym though, I didnt realize that I would be doing Zumba and thought that I would have an hour to collect myself, and eat and drink. So, I started off with my normal warm up on the treadmill. I began my speed at 4.8 mph, then increased it to 5.5, then to 6. I ran 32 minutes and at the end, dropped my speed back to 5 mph. I got in 2.8 miles.
The new CX and Body Flow are great. I love the music and the moves for both. Just when you think you know the old stuff, it gets switched up and I like that!
My total calories burned for my warm up, CX and Flow was 1201 calories. I wanted to keep the calories separate for RPM so I could see approximately what my burn would be if I just took that class.
Once I left Flow all nice and relaxed, I went in and used the restroom, toweled the sweat off me and came back out. Sharon (one of the instructors) was outside the classroom and said that they needed more Zumba people. I think many of the people that were in the class were newer to Zumba and they wanted some experienced people in there to learn the moves.
So in I went. And during that 45 minutes, I burned 444 calories and did a lot of fun, silly dancing. It amazes me on how Beto (Zumba's creator) comes up with these routines. They go high cardio, then back down only to climb again. It is a great way to lose weight.
Afterwards it was RPM. Thank goodness that Melissa (one of the instructors) brought Powerade Zero in for everyone to drink. I think I would have passed out without it. Eric (instructor and my personal trainer) was also concerned because I hadn't had much to eat since about noon and I had done so much exercise already. I had been eating my Emeralds Cocoa Almonds and drinking a ton of water. I also grabbed a free protein bar which really isn't clean eating, but I wanted something in the tummy. And as soon as I got the Powerade, I started sipping that in order to get my electrolytes back up.
RPM was excellent. It is an hour long cycling class where you increase your speed and resistance and intensity as well as stand and sit on the bike. You sweat like crazy! Again- thank goodness I had the Powerade!! My calories burned for the hour was 630. Not too shabby for my first time out and also having done 3 classes prior.
And finally my legs are sore! We will see how I feel tomorrow.
My total calories burned at the gym today was an astonishing 2,275!
Eric told me to go home- and make sure I eat.
So I finished my 5 wings I had left from Buffalo Wild Wings, had an avocado, a hard boiled egg, and a little bit of my left over brown rice and veggies from the other night.
Now I am waiting for some kale chips to get done and having a glass of red wine. Not eating too badly considering I could probably have whatever the heck I wanted to eat.
Oh and for those of you following this blog, don't forget that I worked out to P90X Kenpo this morning and shoveled. That calorie burn was 968 calories meaning my total calories EXERCISED off today was 3,244!!!
Very extreme and nothing that I would suggest for the faint of heart and nothing that I will be doing regularly!
Tip of the Day- comes from Sharon (instructor). She gave them to us during Body Flow.
1. Take your weight and divide it in half. That is how many ounces of water you should be drinking a day to flush your body out.
2. Work red bell peppers into your diet. One red pepper has more vitamin C in it than a whole orange!
He was probably worried that you were going to hurt yourself! I wouldn't be able to summon the energy to push the door open to leave after all of that!