This morning I (my body) may have had a breakthru.
Yesterday I did P90X arms, shoulders and abs and burned 501 calories.
Then last night, I really wanted to go for a run outdoors. It was chilly and I have yet to run in the "winter". So I suited up in my Nike "stay warm" top (my first time using it), put my iPod on, turned on my cardioTrainer app on my phone, switched my phone to flashlight mode (to be safe), and just ran.
I was able to get just over 3 miles done in just 32 minutes. Not bad for slowing down to run around ice. I also burned 391 calories and was home in time to help my husband put the kids to bed.
So how is this a breakthru? This is a pretty light day in consideration as to what I have been doing.
Well, this morning I woke up SO sore! The good kind of sore where you know you worked out. The kind of sore I HAVEN'T had with ALL the exercising that I have been doing.
I don't know if this means my body is changing, or if I confused it just enough for it to react. I stepped on the scale out of curiosity and I haven't shed another pound. But my arms are starting to look excellent so I know things are turning to muscle. Just the kind of motivation I need to keep going.
So this morning I did my P90X yoga that was scheduled. I pushed it a little further and went down into my runner poses a little lower, my crescent poses a little higher, tried to do the "Crane" pose while keeping one toe down, etc and boy can I feel the difference! I burned 412 calories in the process. Not a whole lot, but again, it is not high impact, high cardio.
Tonight means running, Body Pump and then CXWorx. I am very excited to try out the new release of Body Pump and see what new songs are in store. I need a change in the class. I have been dogging it in there lately because I train arms the day before and legs the day after. I don't want to overwork myself and sustain an injury.
Next week is week #4 of P90X which means it is a recovery week. Instead of weights, it is core work, Kenpo, stretching, yoga and rest. It will be a nice change. It also means that next Sunday I will be taking my 30 day pictures!!! I am excited and nervous at the same time. I don't want to get disappointed if I don't see changes in my body. I know that changes are happening because my core is getting so much stronger, but it is always gratifying to SEE the results.
Either way, I must stick with it. Even P90X creator, Tony, says that most people quit after 30 days because they aren't seeing results. But it is in the second and third month that things start changing and quickly! Why that is, I don't know. Maybe the body goes into shock and resists initially? Then starts adjusting? Something to think about and look into.
Tip of the day is about music for exercising:
For me, running for distance, especially on the treadmill, is all about the music and rocking out as I go. Many times you will see me mouthing the words and bopping back and forth as I run.
It always seems like I run out of new songs to listen to and eventually the old ones just don't get me going anymore, so here are some songs that I run to. Maybe you would like to add them to your playlist.
Black Betty- by Ram Jam
Lit Up- Buckcherry
Locomotive Breath- Jethro Tull
Welcome 2 Detroit- Trick Trick and Eminem
Rockstar's Girlfriend- Pistol Day Parade
Tush- ZZ Top
Breathe- Prodigy
Wild, Wild West- the Escape Club
Bad Girlfriend- Theory of a Deadman
In the Big House- Pop Evil
Runnin' down a dream- Tom Petty
Click Click Boom- Saliva
Imma Be- The Black Eyed Peas
Telephone- Lady Gaga
SexyBack- Justin Timberlake
Low- Flo Rida
Stranglehold- Ted Nugent (I love running to this one!)
Sweet Dreams- Eurythmics
Been Caught Stealing- Jane's Addiction
Mas Tequila- Sammy Hagar
Sexy and I know it- LMFAO
Black Horse and the Cherry Tree- KT Tunstall
Freedom 90- George Michael
Closer - Nine Inch Nails
Power- Kanye West (I LOVE this song!)
Here it goes again- Ok Go
Dragula- Rob Zombie
Hot for Teacher- Van Halen
California Love- 2Pac
Scream- Michael Jackson
For Whom the Bell Tolls- Metallica
Higher Ground- Red Hot Chili Peppers
Take it Off- Ke$ha
Everlong- Foo Fighters
Bullet with Butterfly Wings- Smashing Pumpkins
Porn Star Dancing- My Darkest Days
Plowed- Sponge
Born this Way- Lady Gaga
You Rock my World- Michael Jackson
Sabotage- Beastie Boys
The Devil went down to Georgia- The Charlie Daniels Band
I hope some of these help you refresh your playlist as you work out. Feel free to add any songs you love to work out to below under the comments. I am ALWAYS looking for more songs to add!!!
Can't wait to see the pictures!