
Thursday, May 2, 2013

I feel like a bad blogger

Good morning everyone.

I feel like a retiree right now. I have lost track of the days this week.

My grandma's funeral was Monday and Tuesday so yesterday FELT like a Monday to me when really it was Wednesday.


The funeral was beautiful. My grandma looked beautiful. And more at peace then I have seen her in a LONG time. It was really hard to cry because of that.

Being the oldest grandchild, they asked me to do a reading. And I was able to hold it together.

I can tell that everything has come to a head with my body and stress. Sunday I had the stomach flu but was able to pull thru and still come in to do funeral arrangements.

Yesterday I felt like I was going to throw up on and off all day. I even went and worked with Eric but told him to take it lower on the cardio.

This morning my period is starting and I only had it a couple weeks ago. Yeah TMI I know.

I am still not feeling 100% and feel completely wiped out. I am going in a million different directions all at the same time. hunting...packing...trying to study...workout...

its exhausting.

Good news is though that we have a house! We did get the 1300 sq ft ranch on the half acre. I will have to post pictures at a later date. Sewer inspection was Tuesday which we could not be there for because of the funeral, but all went well with it. Whew.

Regular inspection is this Saturday. Aaron will be going out for that.

So now I need to figure out HOW we are moving. Movers? Rental truck? I really want movers for the furniture and we can hall the small contents ourselves. I am fighting for that. But we shall see.

This morning I work out with Eric again. Upper body today. Then I have a break until Monday. I just feel like crap. I ate like crap. Drank like crap. And I think my body just doesnt know what to do with itself. That with being exhausted makes me tired all. the. time.

So now it is time to take care of me a bit. I apologize for being such a bad blogger. But right now getting packed up is taking priority.

Oh and also I weighed myself today. I havent been on the scale in a month. 161.5. Not bad considering the crappy food and alcohol I have eaten this past couple weeks. My tongue still feels like a salt lick.

Ok. That is my news for now. Have a great day everyone.

Until the next time!!

Tip of the Day:


  1. Sorry to hear about your grandmother's passing. Even though you were expecting it, it is still very hard on all of the family. Glad you are getting through it all. Take a deep breathe and know that everything will get done and your family will be settled in your new home soon.

  2. Moving hint - When we moved across town my father hired 4 high school players to help. They moved all the large items, and some family helped with the smaller items.

    Might be worth looking into. Your trainer might even have some connections to some local high school students or depending on the area, college students.

  3. I'm so sorry to hear about your grandma, but from what you were saying of her last days, she's now pain free and peaceful. I don't know how you're handling anything right now, let alone ALL that's on your plate. Making a list helps. I know it will be very long, but seeing it all in black and white and the action of crossing things off will help you feel more accomplished and less scattered. Congratulations on the house! I can't wait to see all the before and afters!

  4. I've missed you so. You must be so're just amazing. Hang in there.
