
Monday, April 8, 2013

Checking In

Good Monday Morning everyone!

Just doing a quick check in as today is a fucking busy day for me.

Well my mom is doing great. Still a little bit of pain and she HATES laying around, but she has little to complain about.

I was able to go for one run on the rail trail while I was up there. I did 4.35 miles and was able to complete it with my pace under a 10 minute mile. I was very happy with that.

Friday when I got home I worked out with Eric and surprise, suprise, my legs were STILL sore from my 600 lb leg presses from MONDAY.

Because Aaron and I had no kids this weekend, my eating wasnt the best SO I am back at it and on schedule today.

And as I mentioned before, we will be moving this summer. WELL today the house is available for showings. And we have 4. Not kidding. And one more tomorrow.

So in between running Xavier to school, doing chores, picking him up, lunch, nap, etc, I need to keep the house clean from Landry and be out of here for the showing at 10am, two showings at 12, and then Aaron has to get the boys out of the house at 6:30 for a half hour for a fourth.

The realtor that my in laws have is a real piece of work. She copped an attitude with me because I changed the showing criteria. Well ya know what? I have two little kids and I cant afford to be taking my family out for every meal. So I think 3 showings a day is plenty unless they want to overlap like the one at noon is. She can bite me. I felt like telling her that the house may be my in laws in their name, but we live here bitch. UGH. Hopefully my in laws get an offer quickly.

And Tuesday night I am going to look at a keep your fingers crossed.

AND on top of all that, tonight I have my Zumba class and then I work with Eric. I am going to do two upper body work outs this week with him because on Saturday I have a 10k and then I need to teach Zumba right after that. LOL. So I will need my legs fresh.

Well that is the news for now. How was your Spring Break? Is it feeling like spring in your area yet?

Tip of the Day:

1 comment:

  1. This is my first visit to your blog and let me say WOW! What a great transformation. Congratulations.

    You are one busy lady. I am not a fan of the process of buying/selling a house and moving. There is much stress involved. Good luck, I hope everything happens at the speed you would like.

    Good luck with your 10K.
