
Monday, January 14, 2013

Nothing Monumental

Good Monday Morning everyone! What do you have planned for the day? How was your weekend?

Yesterday I decided to get a run in outside before the rain started back up. So when the kids went to bed, I took off. I was doing great with an average pace per mile of 9:34 UNTIL I was on the return road home. There is a huge but gradual hill almost the entire distance back to the house. I was trying to power run it, but it was SO long that I just couldnt do it and walked part of it. I mean my max heart rate was 192!!! I ended up running a distance of 3.14 miles in 31:18. I do have to add that this includes needing to stop for lights. And my average pace was 9:57 so I was running just slightly over 6 mph. I am VERY happy with that!!

Then I entered back into the sub and decided to look for our cat. He is still missing. The stray that was at the shelter was not chipped and was not picked up from this area. But I can tell you SOMETHING is going on. Penni's cat is now missing too! Her cat went out Saturday night and has not returned. Really weird. We dont think it is a coyote. We are too far into the sub for that. So we arent sure if someone is picking these cats up or hurting them or if another animal is getting them or what.  I am lucky the kids havent noticed yet. I am still waiting for that one.

So I am not sure how much longer I walked there but I do know that I froze my butt off. I was sweaty and cold and I stepped in a soggy bunch of grass that caused the water to go straight thru my shoe to my foot. And all with still no sign of him.

So for my running and cat search, I burned 530 calories. Not bad for an hour.

Then last night I ended up going for 30 minutes on the elliptical on the fat burn setting. I ended up getting in 2.18 miles. Then I did some arm exercises. Aaron came down to run too and I challenged him to do my same routine on the fat burn. He about DIED! LOL. He said "this is a lot harder than just running" um duh! My highest level on there is a level 9. About running thru mud. I told him he had to do that every night. That I do that same setting for an HOUR!! LOL.

My calorie burn last night was 426 for an hour. Not surprising for weights being involved.

I ate pretty good yesterday too. Breakfast was a modified juice. Beet, ginger, lime and kale. Then I had a hard boiled egg and a clementine to go with it. Lunch was my left over black bean burger from Friday night. I was really disappointed that my wrap from the night before got soggy and I had to throw it away. Dinner I kept it light with celery, scallions and some hummus and hot sauce. Then Xavier didnt eat his last Jets Breadstick so I ate that. Yum!

After working out I had a cheesestick, some pretzel sticks, almonds, and chips and salsa. The salt probably got me a little bit but I was hungry after running all that time.

Weight this morning was 162.5. So down a pound. I am hoping that if I keep on track I can sweat off the excess salt weight tonight at the gym. Tonight is running and lower body with Eric. My favorite!! I always love how sore he can make me....wait...that sounded bad. Wow that should NOT be taken out of context. LOL.

So that is my day for today. As I said in the title, nothing monumental. No huge weight loss, but slow, steady progress. I like it and I will take it.

And thanks for all the thoughts and prayers about our cat. I miss him VERY much. As much of a pain he was sometimes, he was SUCH a lover. And so good with the kids. He will be very missed.

Tip of the Day:


  1. So sorry the cat at the shelter wasn't yours. We had outside cats and they would wander every so often and come back. I pray that's the case here, too!

  2. Hey Lee Ann. Way to go, very inspiring. Loved the line: I like it and I will take it. Simple and positive and inspiring to me!

  3. Sorry you haven't found him yet!
    That Nature's flu shot juice sounds good I may just make some of that up.
