
Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Positive Progress

Ok first...

I did pretty good yesterday.

A LaraBar for breakfast, Pump, celery, scallions, some hummus, and chicken breast for lunch, grapes for a snack, a big salad with some crumbled bacon, light blue cheese, scallions, tomatoes, slivered almonds for dinner. Evening snack was a glass of red wine and some trail mix and natural chips.

I didnt end up doing Zumba in the evening because I got a really bad headache again. I really need to get in to see my Doctor. At first I thought it was because I had the start of a sinus infection, but now I just dont know.

Anyways,  I lost 1 lb. Or maybe a half pound. Cant remember. Anyways I weighed 182.5 this morning. And a loss is a loss.

Today is the start of the rest of my slamming busy week.

I drop Xavier off this morning, stop at the auto parts store to pick up a new bulb for my blinker, come home with Landry, do my Zumba cardio party, run to Best Buy to pick up my dead computer and hard drive that had everything transferred to it, come home, get Landry lunch, get him to bed for a nap, finally take a breather (and a shower) and have some lunch for me, pick up Xavier from school, come home, get dinner around and then go to a fundraiser Pampered Chef Party. Then come home from that, and do one of my stomach wraps. :) And this is the lightest day out of my next few days!!

Dinner will be easy though. We still have a TON of salad so that is what I will be having. And I will be taking kilbosa out for the boys. Easy to grill and be done with.

TOMORROW is another insane day and I will fill you in on that then.

Have a great day everyone! Stay strong and exercise lots! LOL