
Monday, March 5, 2012

Celery Root Chips and other experiments

Just had to share my experiment with all of you.

A while back I was on Pinterest when I came across a recipe for Celery Root Chips. They looked exactly like a potato chip.

So when I went to Meijer yesterday I bought one.

Pretty easy to make as long as you have a dehydrator.

I peeled the celery root and used my mandoline to cut them into thin slices. In a gallon bag I combined olive oil, the Pampered Chef rosemary seasoning I have (it already had garlic in the seasoning or I would have added more), some sea salt, some pepper, a dab of honey (instead of agave nectar) and a small pour of apple cider vinegar. 

I mixed it up really well then added the sliced celery root to it and shook it all around making sure that I covered the pieces.

Then I let it marinate on my countertop in the gallon bag for a couple hours.

They are now in my dehydrator and should be ready by tomorrow morning. They smell really good though!

So far, I havent had a bad recipe from Pinterest. I have done the kale chips, the beet chips, roasted cauliflower, and the roasted chick peas (though my chickpeas did not stay crunchy).

I cant wait to try these out tomorrow!

Also tonight I will be making chicken pizza from fellow blogger Susie over at susieannabella. It looks absolutely delicious and I cant wait to try it out!

Be sure to look for my reviews tomorrow.

And, if you havent noticed, I have added a couple new tabs to the top of my blog. One is for my Go To foods that were great with my weight loss, and the other one is for things that I love.

I am thinking about adding a tab for recipes. What do you think???


  1. I bought a can of chick peas today to make the roasted chick peas! I LOVE Pinterest! I think for every fitness idea I pin, I wind up pinning 2 recipes!!

    1. Well that is ok as long as they are healthy recipes!!

  2. I love seeing like-minded bloggers post recipes :) it inspires me to change things up in the kitchen!

    1. I love when people post healthy recipes after giving them good reviews. It is really nice when I happen to have everything in the house already. I think I will make a page of different recipes I have tried.

  3. I LOVE roasted chickpeas! Salt and vinegar flavor..ohh yeah!!

    1. The recipe I had was for brown sugar and cinnamon. That was before I started eating clean. Next time I make them, I may try doing them in my dehydrator to see if I can get them really crunchy. They were crunchy when I took them out of the oven, but they didnt stay that way. Any tips?

  4. Hi there! Wow you are looking great. What an inspiration you are!! I love Pinterest!! I want to try the kale chips and this looks pretty cool too. I do like the tabs at the top. I will be back to see the review!

    1. Thank you so much! The chips are in the dehydrator still. They should be done in time for lunch and I will review them then.
