
13 goals in 2013

I belong to a group on FB called 2 Miles a day in 2012 and with 2012 coming to a close, a new group is going to form called 13 goals in 2013. We need to come up with 13 goals we have for ourselves for the year and I thought this would be a great spot to document my goals.
  1. Get a job as a Zumba instructor either at a gym or by offering my own classes
  2. Work towards becoming a personal trainer
  3. Dead lift 200 lbs
  4. To do a pull up with no assistance
  5. To reach goal weight 154.0 OR a size 6/8 Currently at 165.0- Fit into my size 6's!! BUT I am not marking this off of my list yet until they fit bettter.
  6. To run 4 races for the year one of which will be a half marathon- Color Run May 11th, Dexter-Ann Arbor Half Marathon,
  7. Be able to run at a speed of 6.5mph for a good distance or time (10 minutes min)
  8. To work out with my personal trainer for a minimum of 6 months (just purchased 48 sessions to get me thru July!!)
  9. To continue with my Clean Eating and cut out even more processed foods
  10. To incorporate at least one smoothie/juice blast a day.
  11. Cut alcohol consumption down to holidays and 2 days a week max (wow this makes me sound like I drink all the time. I dont. I just enjoy a glass of wine after dinner!!)
  12. To run a half marathon in under 2 hrs 30 min PR 2:45
  13. To attempt a month with the vegetarian lifestyle and incorporate at least one meal a week as vegan.

    **BONUS**To be able to wear a sports bra and running shorts in public while running :) This means lots of core work and clean eating!!

    **BONUS** to keep a log of the miles I run for the year.

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